Hello, my name is Fredresha Overstreet but everyone calls me Ree. I am a mother of two children, and I have three bonus children. In 2015 as a young, single African American woman and mother of two children I decided I was tired of living check to check and I needed to figure out a way to make extra income. One day I went to visit my dad and I was telling him that I needed to start a business or find ways to make additional income and a man suggested that I start selling perfume. My research of oils started that day and on October 25, 2015, I launched my oil business, Sassy Oils. Sassy Oils also offers wholesale pricing which allows for future entrepreneurs to start their own business with low start up cost. Sassy Oils has since helped over 8 small business owners successfully start their oil business. Contact us now if you would like to join the fragrance oil industry.